China Travel Tips

Reflections on Travel in China

Monday, April 11, 2011

Food Allergies in China

As a Tour Operator to China the past 25+ years, I am asked about food allergies often and how to handle it in restaurants. When you are with a guide of course you advise the guides when you first meet them that you are allergic to certain foods or additives. Oil is used to cook many foods of course in the wok so if you are allergic to peanuts or nuts of any kind you should advise your guides. Many different oils are used in cooking. Some people are allergic to shellfish of any kind and may be difficult to advise a waiter in a restaurant if you are by yourselves. I have a statement written in Chinese and English that I can send you as an attachment to give to waiters. Contact me at If you are vegetarian, the word for vegetarian sounds like this: "Chur Sue" Waiters will understand that if you are alone and do not have a guide with you. For more information on food and food allergies, please contact us at anytime. Tours to China is our business and our concerns are for you to enjoy yourselves visiting this great culture.   Email:

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